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My Portfolio

Live Client Projects

Below are some online projects that I have had the pleasure to help build.


I had the pleasure of working alongside many talented people at Thrillworks and motusbank to build the motusbank website. This project was developed using SCSS and the Zurb Foundation for Sites framework on the front‑end. Built with ASP.NET on the back‑end and implemented within the Kentico CMS platform. I assisted in all aspects of development for this website.

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PC Financial

I developed many aspects of the PC Financial website in the past. I on-boarded ownership of their existing third-party platform into our company. I developed and managed their digital marketing campaigns, A/B tested offers and features, and worked closely with the client to meet performance goals.

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Learning and Tinkering

Below are projects I have worked on when trying to better my understanding of specific web technologies. Whether it's through a course, tutorial or a GitHub repository. I try to find interesting project ideas and improve upon them, while also gaining a wealth of resources to draw from in my day-to-day use.

React Burger Builder

A burger builder application built with React, following the Udemy course React - The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux) by Maximillian Schwarzmüller of Academind.

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JavaScript 30

30 JavaScript (ES6) projects built and improved upon after following the JavaScript30 course created by Wes Bos.

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JavaScript Tetris

A web version of the popular game Tetris. Developed with JavaScript. Built and improved upon after following a detailed lesson by Meth Meth Method.

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